• A Study of PP/Natural Fiber Composites Using Thermoplastic Lignin-polyester and Nanoclay
  • Park IK, Hau NC, Kim YJ, Yun JH, Kim SH, Suhr J, Lee YK, Nam JD
  • 열가소성 리그닌폴리에스터와 나노클레이를 이용한 천연섬유/폴리프로필렌복합체 연구
  • 박인경, 양준호, 김영준, 윤주호, 김수현, 서종환, 이영관, 남재도
Lignin has derived from black liquor or wood, and it shows a lack of thermal stability, which restricts its direct use in industrial applicaion. Synthesized lignin polyester (LigPS) from lignin can be melt-processable and matrix of composites. We investigated the jute-fiber/polypropylene (PP) composite system by incorporating LigPS and montmorillonite (MMT) nanoplatelets through extrusion and injection molding processes. The modulus of PP/jute/LigPS composite was increased due to its compatibilizing effect in the PP-jute interface. Also the water resistance was increased, when LigPS was incorporated into PP/jute composites in 5 wt%. While the montmorillonite nanoclay was added and exfoliated in the PP/jute composites by 5 wt%, the modulus was substantially increased by 50%. As a novel green composite system, the LigPS and MMT nanoplatelets demonstrated that the compatibility, the water resistance and the mechanical performance of PP/jute composites could be desirably tailored for various eco-friendly composite applications.

제지폐기물 등 목재에서 유래한 리그닌은 비식량계 바이오매스이나 열안정성이 부족하여 사용이 제한적이었지만, 리그닌 폴리에스터(lignin polyester, LigPS)는 고온가공이 가능하도록 합성되어 복합재료 기지재로서 활용이 가능해 졌다. 황마섬유(jute fiber, JF)/폴리프로필렌(polypropylene, PP) 복합재료에 LigPS와 몬모릴로나이트(montmorillonite, MMT) 함량을 변화시키며 첨가하여 특성변화를 연구했다. LigPS는 복합재료에 20 wt%까지 첨가가 가능하였고 5%만 첨가하여도 인장강도와 탄성률이 증가였고, JF와 계면에서는 상용성을 보였고 수분흡수 실험에서는 내수성도 향상되었다. 또한 여기에 MMT는 5 wt% 투입했을 때 탄성률이 50% 증가하는 등 기계적 물성이 크게 증가였다. 이로부터 JF/PP 복합재료에 LigPS와 MMT로 복합화하여 바이오매스 함량을 증가시키면서 성능도 변화시켜 친환경 나노복합소재로의 활용 가능성을 확인하였다.

Keywords: nanocomposites; montmorillonite; lignin; jute fiber; mechanical properties; impact strength

  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 2016; 40(5): 744-750

    Published online Sep 25, 2016

  • 10.7317/pk.2016.40.5.744
  • Received on Apr 17, 2016
  • Revised on Nov 30, -0001
  • Accepted on May 28, 2016

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