  • Preparation of Hydroxyethyl Cellulose-Bamboo Charcoal (HxBy) Hybrid and Its Application to Reinforcement of Natural Rubber
  • Xu Chen*, Xiang Xu Li*, and Ur Ryong Cho*,**,†

  • *School of Energy, Materials and Chemical Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education, Cheonan, Chungnam 31253, Korea
    **Research Center of Eco-friendly & High performance Chemical Materials, Cheonan, Chungnam 31253, Korea

  • 하이드록시에틸 셀룰로오스-뱀부차콜 혼성체 제조와 천연고무 강화 응용
  • 진 욱* · 리시앙수* · 조을룡*,**,†

  • *한국기술교육대학교 에너지, 신소재, 화학공학부, **친환경고성능화학소재연구소


Hydroxyethyl cellulose-bamboo charcoal (HxBy) hybrids with different content ratios were applied to develop a biochar hybrid filler for natural rubber (NR) reinforcement. The hybrids were conducted with hydroxyethyl cellulose and bamboo charcoal by a hydrogel-adsorption method, and the NR composites filled with hybrid fillers were synthesized by latex-filler dispersion mixing method. The curing properties of the NR composites were tested by a rubber processing analyzer (RPA-V1), the morphological structure of the composites were characterized by SEM. And the dispersion characterization of the composites were characterized by dispersion tester. Tensile strength, hardness value, abrasion resistance and swelling ratio were investigated to verify the property improvement of the NR composites. From the results of all the tests, it could be found the hybrid H8B2 (hydroxyethyl cellulose: bamboo charcoal = 8:2) showed the best reinforcement. The probable reason is the hybrid filler with ratio of H8B2 could provide the best interpenetrating network structure.

비율을 달리한 하이드록시에틸 셀룰로오스-뱀부차콜 혼성체는 천연고무(NR) 보강을 위한 바이오 차콜 혼성충전제 개발에 쓰인다. 하이드록시에틸 셀룰로오스 및 뱀부차콜은 하이드로젤-흡착(hydrogel-adsorption)법으로 제조되었다. NR 복합체는 latex-filler 분산 혼합법으로 제조하였다. 제조된 NR 복합체의 물성은 고무 가공 분석기로 측정되었고, 형태학적 구조는 SEM으로 확인되었고, 분산 특징는 분산 분석기로 측정되었다, 인장강도, 경도, 마찰계수 및 반탄성은 NR 복합체의 물성을 확인하기 위하여 조사되었다. 모든 실험 결과에서, H8B2(hydroxyethyl cellulose: bamboo charcoal = 8:2) 혼성체가 NR 복합체에 가장 좋은 보강 효과를 보였다. 그 이유는 H8B2 혼성충전제로 가장 침투성이 좋은 망상 구조를 형성할 수 있기 때문이다.

Keywords: hydroxyethyl cellulose, bamboo charcoal, natural rubber, hybrid, reinforcement

  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 2019; 43(3): 351-358

    Published online May 25, 2019

  • 10.7317/pk.2019.43.3.351
  • Received on Dec 28, 2018
  • Revised on Feb 1, 2019
  • Accepted on Mar 11, 2019

Correspondence to

  • Ryong Cho*,**
  • *School of Energy, Materials and Chemical Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education, Cheonan, Chungnam 31253, Korea
    **Research Center of Eco-friendly & High performance Chemical Materials, Cheonan, Chungnam 31253, Korea

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