  • Synthesis and Thermal Degradation of Poly(oxydiethylene adipate urethane) Composites Containing Cloisite 30B and Melamine Phosphate
  • Shin SW, Lee SH
  • Cloisite 30B와 멜라민포스페이트를 함유한 Poly(oxydiethylene adipate urethane) Composites의 합성과 열분해 특성
  • 신승욱, 이상호
In order to improve the thermal stability of polyurethane, we synthesized poly(adipate urethane) (PAU) and three PAU composites, PAU/30B (2.7 wt% 30B), PAU/MP (2.2 wt% MP), PAU/30B/MP (2.2 wt% 30B and 2.2 wt%MP), from poly(oxydiethylene adipate)-diol (PAD), 4,4'-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI), Cloisite 30B (30B), and melamine phosphate (MP). 30B and MP were introduced into the reactant mixture at the initial stage of the esterification between adipic acid and diethylene glycol, so 30B and MP were evenly dispersed in the PAU composites for long period. At temperatures lower than 250 ℃, the PAU composites were degraded faster than pristine PAU, mainly due to the decomposition of 30B and MP. At higher temperatures, the 30B and MP enhanced the thermal stability of the PAU composites. Compared with the pristine PAU, the thermal decomposition rates of the PAU composites decreased by 13~17%. In air, the residual weights of PAU/30B, PAU/MP, and PAU/30B/MP were 2.4, 2.3, and 7.3 wt% at 700 ℃, respectively.

폴리우레탄의 열적 안정성을 개선하기 위하여, poly(oxydiethylene adipate)-diol(PAD), 4,4'-MDI, Cloisite 30B(30B), melamine phosphate(MP)를 사용하여 poly(adipate urethane)(PAU)과 PAU/30B(30B 2.7 wt%), PAU/MP (MP 2.2 wt%), PAU/30B/MP(30B 2.2 wt%, MP 2.2 wt%) 복합체를 합성하고 열분해 특성을 연구하였다. PAU 복합체에서 Cloisite 30B와 MP의 분산을 안정하고 균일하게 유지시키기 위하여, adipic acid와 diethylene glycol의 에스테르 반응 단계에서 Cloisite 30B와 MP를 도입하였다. 250 ℃ 이하에서 PAU 복합체가 순수 PAU보다 더 빠르게 열분해 되었다. 고온에서는 30B와 MP에 의하여 열안정성이 개선되어 분해속도가 현저히 감소하였으며, 700 ℃ 잔량도 크게 증가하였다.

Keywords: poly(ester urethane); polyurethane composite; thermal degradation; Cloisite 30B; melamine phosphate.

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  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2022 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 2012; 36(5): 643-650

    Published online Sep 25, 2012

  • Received on Mar 25, 2012
  • Accepted on May 10, 2012