• Effects of Electrodeposition Methods on Electrochemical and Morphological Properties of Polyaniline
  • Kim E, Choi M
  • 전기화학적 합성방법이 폴리아닐린의 전기화학적 특성 및 모폴로지에 미치는 영향
  • 김은옥, 최민정
Polyaniline (PAni) films were electrodeposited in the potentiodynamic and galvanostatic modes, and the effects of the deposition methods on the electrochemical, structural, and morphological properties of the films are discussed. The two deposition methods resulted in different degrees of oxidation and doping degrees as well as film crystallinities. Furthermore, the morphologies of the films were affected by the different growth processes. In the case of the PAni film deposited in the potentiodynamic mode, a smoother and more homogeneous morphology was observed owing to the layer-by-layer growth of the film. On the other hand, in the case of the PAni film deposited in the galvanostatic mode, a rougher surface morphology was observed owing to the degradation process. The root-mean-square roughness values of the films deposited in the potentiodynamic and galvanostatic modes were 94 and 171 nm, respectively, while their conductivities were 2.74 and 0.98 S/cm, respectively.

변전위법(potentiodynamic)과 정전류법(galvanostatic)으로 polyaniline 필름을 제조하여, 전기화학적 합성방법이 필름의 전기화학적 및 구조적 특성과 모폴로지에 미치는 영향을 확인하였다. 두 합성방법은 결정성뿐만 아니라 산화상태와 도핑레벨의 차이를 유발하였다. 또한 필름의 모폴로지는 서로 다른 성장과정에도 영향을 받았다. 변전위법으로 제조된 필름의 경우, layer-by-layer 성장을 통해 매끄럽고 균일한 모폴로지를 나타낸다. 반면에 정전류법으로 제조된 필름은 분해로 인해 거칠어진 모폴로지를 나타낸다. 변전위법과 정전류법으로 제조한 필름의거칠기(Rq)는 각각 94와 171 nm, 전도도는 2.74와 0.98 S/cm이다.

Keywords: polyaniline; potentiodynamic; galvanostatic; electrodeposition

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  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 2016; 40(5): 728-735

    Published online Sep 25, 2016

  • 10.7317/pk.2016.40.5.728
  • Received on Apr 8, 2016
  • Accepted on Jun 4, 2016