Studies on the Thermal Stability of Castable Plastic Bonded Explosive (DXC-01)
Cheun YG, Kim JK, Ham DS, Lee JW
주조형 복합화약(DXC-01)의 열적 안정도에 관한 연구
전용구, 김재경, 함덕순, 이준웅
Thermal analyses of castable plastic bonded explosive (DXC-01) were investigated to estimate the relative long-term thermal stability. The differential thermal analyses and the differential scanning calorimeter indicate no incompatibility In the explosive and binder system. Results of tests indicate plastic bonded explosive (DXC-01) have an explosive and binder that are compatible, produce mild reaction on fast cook off and slow cook off, have excellent thermal stability, and have adequate detonation velocity.
Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
ISSN 0379-153X(Print) ISSN 2234-8077(Online) Abbr. Polym. Korea