  • Synthesis and Electrical Conductivity of Hydrochloric Acid-Salts of Polyschiff Base with Diaminopyridine
  • Baek DJ, Choi JS, Lee YK
  • Diaminopyridine을 이용한 Polyschiff Base 염산염의 합성과 전기전도성
  • 백대진, 최지섭, 이용균
The polymers, polyazomethine(Ⅶ), (Ⅷ) and (Ⅸ) were prepared by the condensation of 2,6- diaminopyridine with glyoxal. diacetyl and benzoquinone in DMSO. respectively. Hydrochloric acid-salts of polyazomethine(Ⅶ), (Ⅷ) and (Ⅸ) were prepared by stirring in aqueous HCl of various selected concentrations. Electrical conductivity was measured by a 4-point probe technique. All the undoped polymers were insulators having electrical conductivity of the order of 10-l0 Ω-1cm -1. By doping with bromine or iodine, the electrical conductivity increased by several orders of magnitude and reached a value of 10-2∼10-3 Ω-1cm-1. Hydrochloric acid-salts of polyazomethine( Ⅶ), (Ⅷ) and (Ⅸ) showed electrical conductivity of 10-1∼10-2 Ω-l cm-1, that is. ten times greater than those of polyazomethine doped with bromine or iodine.

Polyazomethine (Ⅶ), (Ⅷ) 및 (Ⅸ)를 2,6-diaminopyridine과 glyoxal, diacetyl 그리고 benzoquinone으로 DMSO하에서 중축합하여 얻었으며 polyazomethine (Ⅶ), (Ⅷ)과 (Ⅸ)를 정해진 pH의 염산수용액 속에서 반응시켜 염산염을 얻었다. 전기전도도는 4-point probe technique으로 측정하였다. 합성된 polymers는 모두 10-10Ω-1-1 전도의 전기전도도를 갖는 부도체였으며, Br2나 I2 로 doping하였을 때 전도도가 향상되어 10-2∼10-3Ω-1-1가 되었고, polyazomethine (Ⅶ), (Ⅷ)과 (Ⅸ)의 염산염의 전기전도도는 10-1∼10-2Ω-1-1로 Br2나 I2로 doping한 것보다 10배정도 높게 나타났다.

  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2022 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 1989; 13(3): 213-220

    Published online Mar 25, 1989