• Synthesis and Blood Compatibility of Poly(γ-benzyl L-glutamate)/Poly(ethylene oxide) Triblock Copolymers : Effect of Molecular Weight of Poly(ethylene oxide)
  • Cho CS, Kim HY, Song SC, Park JY, Kwon JK
  • Poly(γ-benzyl L-glutamate)/Poly(ethylene oxide)블록 공중합체의 합성과 항혈전성: Poly(ethylene oxide)분자량의 영향
  • 조종수, 김희용, 송수창, 박중양, 권중근
ABA type triblock copolymers consisting of poly(γ-benzyl L-glutamate) (PBLG) as the A component and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) as the B component were synthesized. Various molecular weight of PEO was utilized to study the effect of PEO molecular weight on blood compatibility. From circular dichroism measurements in solution as well as infrared spectra measurements in the solid state, it was found that the block copolymers exist in the α-helical conformation as in PBLG homopolymer. From the in vitro antithrombogenic test, it was found that antithrombogenicity of the block copolymer is dependant on the molecular weight of PEO in the block copolymer. The best blood compatibility was obtained at PEO molecular weight 4000.

poly(γ-benzyl L-glutamate)를 A성분으로, poly(ethylene oxide)를 B성분으로 구성된 ABA형의 블록공중합체가 PEO의 함량은 일정하게 하고 분자량을 다르게 하여 합성되었다. 용액상에서의 CD측정과 고체상에서의 IR측정으로 이 블록공중합체가 PBLG homepolymer에서와 같이 전형적인 α-helix 구조를 갖고 있음을 알았다. In vitro에서의 항혈전실험으로부터, 이 블록공중합 표면에서의 혈소판의 흡착정도는 블록공중합체의 PEO 분자량에 의존함을 알았고, 특히 PEO 분자량이 4000인 블록공중합체에서 혈소판의 점착이 가장 적음을 보였다.

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  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 1991; 15(2): 118-123

    Published online Apr 25, 1991