• Preparation and Physical Properties of High-Solid Coatings by Acrylic Resins and Hexamethylene Diisocyanate-Biuret
  • You HJ, Chung DJ, Park HS, Kim SK, Im WB
  • 아크릴수지와 헥사메틸렌 디이소시아네이트-뷰렛에 의한 고 고형분 도료의 제조 및 도막물성 연구
  • 유혁재, 정동진, 박홍수, 김성길, 임완빈
Acrylic resins (ethyl methacrylate-2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate-n-butyl acrylate-acrylic acid: EHBCs) containing 80 % of solid were synthesized. Then, high-solid coatings (ethyl methacrylate-2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate-n-butyl acrylate-acrylic acid/hexamethylene diisocyanate-biuret: EHBCNs) were prepared by curing of the acrylic resin with curing agent hexamethylene diisocyanate-biuret at room temperature. The cure time of prepared coatings EHBCN-4 (EHBC-4: Tg= 0 ℃) and EHBCN-7 (EHBC-7: Tg= 30 ℃), measured by rigid-body pendulum method, was recorded 6.2 hours and 4.5 hours, respectively. Dynamic viscoelastic experiment revealed the glass transition temperature of EHBCN-4 and EHBCN-7 to be 14 ℃ and 39 ℃, respectively. It was found that the adhesion and flexural properties among various properties of coatings were enhanced by the incorporation of caprolactone acrylate monomer into the acrylic resins.

고형분 80 %인 아크릴수지(에틸 메타크릴레이트-2-히드록시프로필 메타크릴레이트-노르말부틸 아크릴레이트-아크릴산: EHBC)를 합성한 후 이를 헥사메틸렌 디이소시아네이트-뷰렛 경화제로서 상온경화시켜 고 고형분 도료(에틸 메타크릴레이트-2-히드록시프로필 메타크릴레이트-노르말부틸 아크릴레이트-아크릴산/헥사메틸렌 디이소시아네이트-뷰렛: EHBCN)를 제조하였다. 진동자법에 의한 점탄성 측정에서 제조된 도료인 EHBCN-4 (EHBC-4: 정적 Tg0 ℃)와 EHBCN-7 (EHBCN-7: 정적 Tg 30 ℃)의 경화시간은 6.2시간과 4.5시간으로, 또한 경화된 도막의 동적 Tg는 14 ℃와 39 ℃로 각각 나타났다. 도막 물성 중 접착력과 굴곡성은 카프로락톤 아크릴레이트 단량체 성분이 함유된 EHBCN쪽의 물성이 현저히 좋게 나타나, 카프로락톤 아크릴레이트 성분이 접착력과 굴곡성을 증진시켰음이 입증되었다.

Keywords: hexamethylene diisocyanate-biuret; acrylic resins; high-solid coatings

  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 2004; 28(3): 273-280

    Published online May 25, 2004

  • 10.7317/pk.
  • Received on Jan 29, 2004
  • Revised on Nov 30, -0001
  • Accepted on May 24, 2004

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